Birth Mother Counseling
You make all the choices

Birth Mother Counseling
Sometimes the hardest thing is the right thing too.
Options Counseling
Our birth mother caseworkers are here to help you with pregnancy counseling, parenting plans and adoption plans. You probably have a lot of questions as you try to decide what is best for you and your child. We work to be an unbiased support system in your life. And all the support and counseling we provide is free and confidential.
Parenting your baby
Should you choose to parent your baby, we can help you develop a budget and parenting plan that works for you. We can also get you started with items you may need, such as diapers, baby wipes and clothing.
Adoption planning
Choosing adoption does not mean “giving up” your baby. A decision to place your baby for adoption shows that you love your baby so much that you want to make the best decision for her or him. You have already demonstrated your love for your unborn child by choosing life, let us help you with the next steps.
Choosing a family
Even though you find yourself in an unexpected pregnancy, you can give direction to the future of your baby. You choose the amount of contact that you share with your baby and the adoptive family. You can choose the family for your baby.
Meet our families today and become acquainted with the couples who are waiting to be parents.
Support for your decisions
Meetings with your counselor are free and confidential and focus on your unique situation.
We're here for you
Text Us: 720-280-9517
We believe it’s important for you to know . . .
- Experience in counseling over 6,500 women is why we are recognized and respected for our ethical adoption practices
- Our counseling is nonjudgmental and unbiased
- Legal and counseling services are free and confidential
- Meetings take place where you are most comfortable
- You are not alone in this pregnancy
Post-Adoption Care
Birth Mother Support Group
We provide a full continuum of service and care for you before, during and after your pregnancy.
Food and Clothing Services
Through longstanding community partnerships and local church support, Colorado Christian Services is able to connect you with service-providers to help you with food and clothing needs. Contact your caseworker or our office for further assistance.

My caseworker was the best and I love her so much.
I would not have been able to do it without her. She is a keeper!

My caseworker was the best and I love her so much. I would not have been able to do it without her. She is a keeper!