When you think of  “home,” what comes to mind?


For some, home means support and unconditional love – a safe place of comfort. For others, however, home may not be a safe place. Maybe your home has been a place of coldness or fear. Maybe you have always longed for home but have never felt you found a place that really fits that word.


Colorado Christian Services has been growing families for over 55 years, and we are committed to supporting both birth families and adoptive families. We know that a solid family is important to the growth of a child, and a safe, healthy home is important for all. Our caseworkers work with both birth families and adoptive families to provide personal, unbiased support. No matter where you are on the adoption journey, you are not alone when you connect with CCS.


Most importantly, we want you to know the gift of hope through Christ.

  • Birth mothers, as much as you love your child, there is One who loves you more.
  • Adoptive families, as much as you long for a child, there is One who longs for relationship with you.

Psalms 90:1-2 says:
God, it seems you’ve been our home forever;
Long before the mountains were born,
Long before you brought earth itself to birth,
From “once upon a time” to “kingdom come” – You are God.


During this holiday season, we pray that each of you finds a true home in the One who loves you most, the God who created you. Come on home for the holidays. All are welcome here.