The hardest part with any of it is the wait.
We had pretty much exhausted our possibilities of having biological children. We started looking into adoption and the more we found out about it, the more we were interested in it. We eventually came to Colorado Christian Services to seek their help and support. And it’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to our family.
There were times that were harder than others, but our caseworker knew when we needed that
little bit of extra help and encouragement and counseling. She was doing everything she could, and the agency was there for us, and they were all praying for us.
Our caseworker really went the extra step to make sure that we were fully informed in every aspect,
knowing what to expect and what to be prepared for.
We never really knew how long we’d have to wait. And the calls were always totally unexpected.
Once, we had just returned on a Saturday from a trip to the beach. Our caseworker called and asked if both of us could get on the phone. So, we were pretty certain that something was fixing to happen. And it did.
It’s all the excitement you could ever imagine. All the anticipation, all the waiting, hoping and praying for years that we would be able to have children in our family and in our lives…there’s just nothing to compare to it.
We’ve now adopted three children through Colorado Christian Services. We want them to know God and to love God and be raised in a Christian environment. And we want them to be happy. Our outcome has been fantastic.
We have blessings upon blessings and it was all worth the wait.