The nurse could see the fear and shock in my eyes as she handed me brochures from local adoption agencies. I was twenty years old and had just found out that I was eight months pregnant. When I called the guy who I had been seeing, he immediately told me to get an abortion. Then he hung up on me.
I first began meeting with my caseworker at Colorado Christian Services wanting to explore adoption as an option for my baby. I was nervous but felt safe and like I could trust her. During counseling, I realized that I actually wanted to keep my baby.
I was really afraid to tell my dad about my pregnancy and was unsure what his reaction would be to me being a single parent. My caseworker offered to help prepare me for that conversation and was there when I told my dad. After hearing my news, my dad stepped into my corner and has never looked back. He has been so supportive when it comes to helping me raise my son.
Today, my caseworker continues to check in with me. And I can get baby items from CCS whenever I need them. I am so grateful for the support that I received from Colorado Christian Services during one of the scariest and loneliest times in my life. Even though they are an adoption agency, they are there for the women they help, no matter what they decide.