Adoption is an answer to prayer for many, such as:

  • The birthparents unable to care for their child but desperately wanting a loving home for the baby,
  • A couple struggling with infertility but longing to be parents,
  • The precious unborn child, newborn, or older child needing a family to care for them.

Psalm 68:6 tells us, “God sets the lonely in families,” and we see examples of God’s heart for adoption throughout the Bible.


According to scripture, adoption is God’s idea to protect and care for those in need. Have you ever considered the examples of adoption found in the Bible?


Moses – When Pharaoh tried to kill all the Jewish babies, Moses’ birthmother came up with a rescue strategy! Through God’s direction, a birthmother’s determination, and the compassion of Pharaoh’s daughter (who became the adoptive mother of Moses), a baby who was supposed to die ended up in a position of favor and protection. God eventually used Moses to rescue the Israelites from slavery and lead them to the land of their destiny! You can read the full story in Exodus 1:


Esther – Esther’s story is a beautiful example of designated kinship adoption. Although we don’t know much about her background, we know Esther was an orphan who was raised by Mordecai, her older cousin. Through the influence of Mordecai, Esther bravely revealed her Jewish heritage to the Persian King, and God used her courageous act to save the people of Israel once again. You can read Esther’s story in the book of Esther:


Jesus – Have you ever noticed that Jesus, the Messiah, was adopted? Born to Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was adopted by Joseph, Mary’s fiancé. Joseph could have turned away from Mary and the child, but instead, he raised Jesus under his protection. The life of Jesus and his sacrifice to save us impacted the world in a way nothing else ever will, and Joseph’s influence as the adopted father is an important part of the sacrifice that gives us all eternal hope. You can read the full story of Jesus in the book of Matthew:


You and me! – Every single one of us is separated by God because of our sin. Ephesians 2:12 reminds us

“you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”

We were without hope and in need – like babies unable to care for ourselves, unable to save ourselves. God, in His goodness, provided an answer! Through our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior, we are adopted into the family of God, where we are children of the King! You can read more about becoming God’s child in Ephesians 2:


Once sin entered the world, our loving Father knew there would be struggles that would leave birthmothers unable to care for their children. He knew there would be couples unable to conceive biological children. He knew there would be precious children longing for a safe and loving home. The many examples of adoption in the Bible give us a clear picture of Jehovah’s heart for adoption. During the month of November, we invite you to consider how God is calling you to join Him in supporting adoption.