Author Colorado Christian Services

Sarah, Skyler’s Birth Mother
My greatest prayer since I found out I was pregnant up until now and forever will always be that Skyler knows how much I love him, and I always wanted the best for him. Skyler [has] already started asking things and I’m very grateful that I’m there to answer [his questions] and that he doesn’t have empty spots of his story. The best part is that Skyler knows how loved he is. He just has double the amount.



April, Skyler’s Adoptive Mother
Open adoption is an amazing thing. It is a gift. Is it always easy? No. But it’s something that is so worth it, because it’s not just “us”. It’s Skyler. It’s his relationship with Sarah that molds him into being who he is. The benefits of open adoption are limitless. It is so good for Skyler’s heart to know that he is not alone, and he is loved by so many people.



Scott, Skyler’s Adoptive Father

I think it’s important to understand that there are many people involved in the child’s life. The child is a person who has their own emotions, feelings and will need that connection to be whole. This is what allows that missing hole to be filled so that they [adoptees] become who they are supposed to be.



Skyler, Adoptee

Sarah knew that she was doing the best thing she could for me and that it would be difficult, but she knew that who she was giving me to could be trusted. I know that she cares very much about me. She’s part of the family too and being able to spend time with her is just joyful to me.


I never really had the desire to search for my birth mother until my wife had our first child. While holding my newborn son in the hospital, the realization of the profound sacrifice she made for my life began to hit me. I couldn’t help but wonder about my birth parents, what they were like and if I shared any physical traits with them.

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I never really had the desire to search for my birth mother until my wife had our first child. While holding my newborn son in the hospital, the realization of the profound sacrifice she made for my life began to hit me. I couldn’t help but wonder about my birth parents, what they were like and if I shared any physical traits with them.


Growing up, my parents shared what little information they had about my birth mother and continually reassured me that she made that difficult decision out of love for me. I’ve always had a solid relationship with my parents and was grateful to count on their support and encouragement when I decided to search for my birth mother through CCS.


My CCS caseworker spent a lot of time preparing me for every possible outcome, helping me manage my expectations and plan for possible outcomes at every point in the process.  Months had passed when I received a phone call from my caseworker telling me my birth mother had been found. We exchanged several letters through the agency and my birth mother was able to answer so many of my lifelong questions regarding my adoption. My love and appreciation for the sacrifice my birth mother made only grew stronger as I learned more about the circumstances of her story and how much she had thought about me ever since.


My birth mother told me that she feared how I would feel about her after all these years, but that our reunification only assured her that she had made the best decision. I was able to share about my loving Christian family, my faith and life today.


Today, we communicate regularly. It has taken time to get to know each other and process through all the emotions that have come with it, but I am grateful for our relationship. CCS has always held a special place in my parents’ heart, but now I understand firsthand how much they truly care about everyone involved in adoption.

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“The baby was born early and is in the NICU. It’s time for you come to Colorado.” The voice on the other line – my caseworker from CCS – was gentle and forthcoming. The baby arrived six weeks early and was struggling due to drug and alcohol exposure in utero. On top of that, her birth father had begun to question the adoption plan due to a deep distrust of the child protection and foster care system.


So much was up in the air. But nothing was bigger than the love God had already put in our hearts – not even the distance that stretched between our home and the state of Colorado.


“We’ll be there,” we answered breathlessly into the phone. And for six weeks, we were. The nursing staff told us that the baby needed much more than medical care. We held her sweet, tiny body as she battled. We fed her, cared for her and bathed her daily. The nurses noted that her vitals improved every time we held her. Our love and dedication helped her thrive.


While we were at the hospital, we routinely sent pictures and updates to the baby’s birth parents. During that time, they continued to receive counseling from their CCS caseworker and expressed that their confidence in their adoption plan grew stronger after witnessing how fiercely we loved the baby through the commitment we had already shown. That, coupled with the support and guidance of CCS, helped dispel the birth father’s mistrust in the adoption process.


Today, our sweet girl, Marie is happily settled into our home. She is a beautiful gift and constant reminder of God’s faithfulness when we fall under His sovereign plan. We will be forever grateful for the perseverance and guidance shown by the CCS team for making our dream of having a child come true.

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Adopting a child requires a lot of preparation.


That’s why CCS offers the adoptive parent Seminar, a mix of therapeutic, educational and legal information that helps couples understand and prepare for the realities of the adoption journey.


Christian couples who are unable to have children biologically and dream of growing their family often feel alone in their infertility journey. Seminar allows couples to be surrounded and supported by other prospective adoptive families who are also experiencing infertility and looking to adopt.


It’s not unusual for couples beginning the adoption process to have questions specifically about open adoption. Through Seminar, they learn the benefits of open adoption, often doing a 180-degree turnaround, and ultimately wanting to have a relationship with their child’s birth parents.


Seminar gives hope. Hope that through dedication to the adoption process, they will receive a baby. It just never fails. God has a baby for them and it’s the right baby at the right time. It’s always in God’s perfect timing.

In Seminar, adoptive parents learn the three key benefits to open adoption. Understanding the blessings of open adoption transforms hearts and helps create lifelong relationships.



Over the years, adoptions have become more open, and the benefits to all involved are well documented.


The level of openness is unique to each adoptive placement. Most birth mothers want to meet the adoptive family before the birth and continue contact after placement.


Colorado Christian Services honors the wishes of the birth mother in regard to openness. Whether the birth mother and adoptive family choose to exchange phone calls or have in person contact on a regular basis, there are many benefits to open adoption.


Open adoption:


Improves communication. When birth parents and adoptive parents can communicate directly, there is less confusion and misunderstanding. Clear communication is beneficial for all involved, and the better birth and adoptive families communicate, the better they will connect with each other, which leads to further advantages.


Strengthens relationships. When birth families and adoptive families maintain a strong, healthy relationship, it benefits the child, both in the present and as they grow, mature and develop. The child is encouraged to form healthy relationships and can rely on a bigger support system.


Encourages positive feelings of one’s worth. Many adoptees struggle with unanswered questions and/or unresolved feelings. Open adoption supports healthy communication established between the child and the birth parents. It means the child is empowered to ask questions and get answers easily, and the relationships that have been formed ensure the child knows he or she is loved by both their birth and adoptive parents.


Regardless of the degree of openness, open adoption improves communication, strengthens relationships, and encourages positive feelings of one’s worth.


Colorado Christian Services is committed to being a leader in the field of adoption. We are dedicated to strengthening families with an emphasis on Christian values and respecting the dignity and worth of all individuals. We are honored to help birth parents and adoptive parents work together to create the best plan for each situation.

Listen to first-hand stories from adoptive parents describing the journey and how the Seminar changed their lives forever. 


More About CCS Seminar — What is Seminar?

CCS Seminar is a comprehensive training program that includes testimonials from guest adoptive parents, distinguishing us from other adoption planning agencies.



Topics include:

  • Overview of adoption.
  • Grief and loss — acknowledging that adoption is created through loss.
  • Understanding the birth parents’ grief.
  • The child’s loss of his/her roots and potential impact.
  • Openness in adoption.
  • The legal aspects of adoption.
  • Drug and alcohol exposure during pregnancy.

In Seminar, couples get to meet CCS adoptive parents that have already gone through the adoption process. What a blessing it is to see that dream realized.


All these topics and discussion help make the adoption process ultimately life changing.

Seminar is held in the CCS office over a period of 2 ½ days and is one of the first steps in the adoption process. The training is mandatory and meets the CORE training requirements of the State of Colorado.


Seminar is an important part of our adoption program, allowing our agency to provide important education of adoption to couples who are unable to have children and dream of growing a family.


This month, we’re asking for your prayer and financial gifts to help offset the cost of our upcoming Seminar. Thank you for your faithful and caring support that allows CCS the ability to educate prospective adoptive families, preparing and equipping them for parenthood through adoption.

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When you think of  “home,” what comes to mind?


For some, home means support and unconditional love – a safe place of comfort. For others, however, home may not be a safe place. Maybe your home has been a place of coldness or fear. Maybe you have always longed for home but have never felt you found a place that really fits that word.


Colorado Christian Services has been growing families for over 55 years, and we are committed to supporting both birth families and adoptive families. We know that a solid family is important to the growth of a child, and a safe, healthy home is important for all. Our caseworkers work with both birth families and adoptive families to provide personal, unbiased support. No matter where you are on the adoption journey, you are not alone when you connect with CCS.


Most importantly, we want you to know the gift of hope through Christ.

  • Birth mothers, as much as you love your child, there is One who loves you more.
  • Adoptive families, as much as you long for a child, there is One who longs for relationship with you.

Psalms 90:1-2 says:
God, it seems you’ve been our home forever;
Long before the mountains were born,
Long before you brought earth itself to birth,
From “once upon a time” to “kingdom come” – You are God.


During this holiday season, we pray that each of you finds a true home in the One who loves you most, the God who created you. Come on home for the holidays. All are welcome here.

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Gotcha Day – Adoption Day – Family Day: Whatever you choose to call it, the day a child becomes part of his or her forever family is precious and momentous.


As with all parts of adoption, something is lost before the new is gained. It is not that one is better than the other. It is that one could not be sustained, for whatever reason, and so a solution had to be found. The loss is real, and so is the new.


On adoption day, families celebrate where their children come from because their birth families and origins are a beautiful part of who they are.


On adoption day, families also celebrate their children joining their adoptive family because this is another beautiful part of the child’s life.


Adoption is a complicated mix of sorrow and joy, and each part of a child’s life, every person who contributes, adds an important page to the beautiful, unique story God is writing for that child. Each family must decide how to recognize their family’s adoption story, but it is important that each step be recognized, that the importance of both the birth family and the adoptive family be honored. Most importantly, it is important that the precious life of the child be celebrated so that he or she knows – you are precious; you are treasured; you are loved.

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Here at Colorado Christian Services, we are thankful for so much!


  • We are thankful for the birth mothers who trust us to help them as they make the best adoption plan for themselves and their children.
  • We are thankful for the precious lives of each sweet child we encounter.
  • We are thankful for the adoptive families who allow us to work with them to find just the right match for their families.
  • We are thankful for our God who has a Father’s heart and offers adoption to each of us.
  • We are thankful God invites all His children to join Him in supporting adoption in various ways.
  • We are thankful for YOU and your support of CCS!

Today our prayer is that you know we count you among our blessings. May you know that you were created for a purpose, and God has good plans for you.

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Adoption is an answer to prayer for many, such as:

  • The birthparents unable to care for their child but desperately wanting a loving home for the baby,
  • A couple struggling with infertility but longing to be parents,
  • The precious unborn child, newborn, or older child needing a family to care for them.

Psalm 68:6 tells us, “God sets the lonely in families,” and we see examples of God’s heart for adoption throughout the Bible.


According to scripture, adoption is God’s idea to protect and care for those in need. Have you ever considered the examples of adoption found in the Bible?


Moses – When Pharaoh tried to kill all the Jewish babies, Moses’ birthmother came up with a rescue strategy! Through God’s direction, a birthmother’s determination, and the compassion of Pharaoh’s daughter (who became the adoptive mother of Moses), a baby who was supposed to die ended up in a position of favor and protection. God eventually used Moses to rescue the Israelites from slavery and lead them to the land of their destiny! You can read the full story in Exodus 1:


Esther – Esther’s story is a beautiful example of designated kinship adoption. Although we don’t know much about her background, we know Esther was an orphan who was raised by Mordecai, her older cousin. Through the influence of Mordecai, Esther bravely revealed her Jewish heritage to the Persian King, and God used her courageous act to save the people of Israel once again. You can read Esther’s story in the book of Esther:


Jesus – Have you ever noticed that Jesus, the Messiah, was adopted? Born to Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was adopted by Joseph, Mary’s fiancé. Joseph could have turned away from Mary and the child, but instead, he raised Jesus under his protection. The life of Jesus and his sacrifice to save us impacted the world in a way nothing else ever will, and Joseph’s influence as the adopted father is an important part of the sacrifice that gives us all eternal hope. You can read the full story of Jesus in the book of Matthew:


You and me! – Every single one of us is separated by God because of our sin. Ephesians 2:12 reminds us

“you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”

We were without hope and in need – like babies unable to care for ourselves, unable to save ourselves. God, in His goodness, provided an answer! Through our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior, we are adopted into the family of God, where we are children of the King! You can read more about becoming God’s child in Ephesians 2:


Once sin entered the world, our loving Father knew there would be struggles that would leave birthmothers unable to care for their children. He knew there would be couples unable to conceive biological children. He knew there would be precious children longing for a safe and loving home. The many examples of adoption in the Bible give us a clear picture of Jehovah’s heart for adoption. During the month of November, we invite you to consider how God is calling you to join Him in supporting adoption.

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