Author Colorado Christian Services

When an unplanned pregnancy occurs, you may feel confused and overwhelmed. The good news is you do not have to go through this pregnancy alone. Colorado Christian Services is here to help.


When you contact CCS about choosing adoption, an experienced, supportive caseworker will walk you through the process, including the creation of an adoption plan.


An adoption plan is a detailed plan you craft to meet your specific adoption needs. It will include:


The type of family you hope to find for your child: 

Do you want a large family with other adopted children? Do you want your child to be the first child in the family? Would you like your child to live in the city or the country? You can be as specific as you want to be in your adoption plan.


The amount and type of contact you would like to have after adoption:

Would you like to have the family send pictures and letters on a regular basis? Do you want to have an ongoing in-person relationship with the child and family? Your caseworker will discuss options and help you choose what makes you most comfortable.


Details of the delivery and time in the hospital: 

Although you may not have considered the delivery and hospital stay, this is an important part of your plan. Do you want specific family members or friends with you? Do you want the adoptive family in the delivery room? Would you like time alone with your baby? Your caseworker will help you navigate every detail and make sure your wishes are honored.


With over 55 years of experience in adoption, Colorado Christian Services understands the importance of a detailed adoption plan. We use our knowledge and experience to provide you with information and resources to help you make the best decision for your unique circumstances, and your dedicated caseworker walks with you every step of this journey to ensure you have support.


We’re here for you any time, day or night. Call or text: 303.246.1674 to get the help you need.

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Questions about your adoption? We can help you find answers.


Colorado Christian Services has been growing families through adoption for over 55 years. During that time, we’ve assisted with both opened and closed adoptions, and we are here for you after the adoption, too.


Perhaps you are an adoptee looking for your social or medical records. We can help.


Perhaps you are an adoptee, birth mother, or adoptive parent seeking reunification. We can help with this, as well.


Follow the directions here to learn more:

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Tammy and Jason had been married for five years and discovered they were unable to have children. Several years of different infertility treatments were all unsuccessful. Ultimately, they felt adoption was the plan that God had for them in order to be parents.


They began gathering information from several different Denver-area, adoption agencies and narrowed it down to three. The key criteria they had was that the adoption agencies had to be faith-based — their Christian family values were paramount to them and would be the foundation for building their family.


Colorado Christian Services was on the list. After in-depth interviews, and a lot of questions about our program, agency, and core beliefs, Tammy and Jason discovered our agency was the only one that held and shared the same Biblical views of how God defines marriage and family.


They chose our agency and quickly began filling out paperwork and began the process of family assessment and training. So, at the time of formal approval — when adoptive families come in and read their family assessment report — we always pray with them. We asked God to bless them on this journey, to give them patience through the process, trust in His timing and to bring their birth mom to our agency.


God’s perfect timing became immediately evident.


Had they not chosen our agency and and started the process when they did, they would not have been ready for their particular birth mom. They had just finished their profile process when they were matched with a birth mother.


They were able to share in the hospital experience with her and meet their precious baby boy at birth. They chose to have an open adoption and have brought her into their faith-filled family as well.


As they looked back on the timing of everything, they told us how they could see God’s hand in this process from their very first phone call to our agency. They know Colorado Christian Services was where God had intended for their family to begin, because He honors our dedication to the values that provide adoptive families with the foundation of faith and tools they need.



Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2



At Colorado Christian Services, we have been unwavering in our dedication to the Word of God and the Lord’s desires for families. We know it’s the people we’ve been called to serve . . .


Birth mothers who desire and believe the best future their baby can have is in a Christian home with both a mom and dad — something they themselves aren’t able to supply.


And Christian couples who are unable to have children biologically and dream of growing their family.


We ask you to continue to pray for our agency as we are confronted daily with the beliefs of the world, rather than the truth of the Bible. Your devotion to these same principles of the faith are what keep us strong.


It’s also your financial support that allows us the opportunity to communicate and have a dynamic presence among adoption agencies in Colorado. This takes investment in online tools and our website to be there and distinguish ourselves when couples like Tammy and Jason look for a Christian adoption agency.


We encourage you to take a moment and download our annual report. It provides a clear picture of the financial commitment it takes to unabashedly promote family values and faith-based services.


Thank you for your thoughtful contributions in keeping our message loud and clear,



Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10


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Can adopted siblings share the same bond as biological siblings?


With over 55 years of growing families through adoption, Colorado Christian Services has been able to observe the interactions of many adoptive families, and our conclusion is this: Adoptive families are just like any other families. Each family will have its own struggles and strengths, troubles and triumphs, regardless of biological connection.


Sibling relationships are built on the environment of the home, so loving, supportive homes, whether adoptive or biological, will encourage loving, supportive siblings. Children are especially good at looking beyond things like genetics and race to build strong, healthy relationships when they are provided with a healthy environment.


CCS is dedicated to supporting our families for the long-term. We help adoptive parents prepare to welcome each child into the family, and if a family is having issues with sibling relationships, whether adoptive or biological, Colorado Christian Services can provide professional expertise and personal attention from our experienced and dedicated therapist.


Colorado Christian Services is committed to being a leader in the field of counseling and adoption because of our dedication to strengthening families with an emphasis on Christian values as well as respecting the dignity and worth of all individuals.


Call us for more information today: 303.761.7236

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Over the years, adoptions have become more open, and the benefits to all involved are well documented.


The level of openness is unique to each adoptive placement. Most birth mothers want to meet the adoptive family before the birth and continue contact after placement.


Colorado Christian Services honors the wishes of the birth mother in regard to openness. Whether the birth mother and adoptive family choose to exchange phone calls or have in person contact on a regular basis, there are many benefits to open adoption.


Open adoption:


  1. Improves communication. When birth parents and adoptive parents can communicate directly, there is less confusion and misunderstanding. Clear communication is beneficial for all involved, and the better birth and adoptive families communicate, the better they will connect with each other, which leads to further advantages.


  1. Strengthens relationships. As birth and adoptive families communicate, they learn more about each other and develop a relationship. When birth families and adoptive families have a strong, healthy relationship, this benefits the child both in the present and in the future. The child learns how to build healthy relationships and gains a bigger support system.


  1. Lessens feelings of being unwanted. Many adoptees struggle with feeling unwanted by their birth parents. Open adoption helps lessen these feelings because the child knows and has a relationship with at least one birth parent. The open, healthy communication that has been established means the child can ask questions and get answers easily, and the relationships that have been formed ensure the child knows he or she is loved by both birth and adoptive parents.


Although many are unsure about open adoptions, they have proven to be beneficial to all involved. Regardless of the degree of openness, open adoption improves communication, strengthens relationships, and lessens feelings of unwantedness for the adopted child.


Colorado Christian Services is committed to being a leader in the field of counseling and adoption because of our dedication to strengthening families with an emphasis on Christian values as well as respecting the dignity and worth of all individuals. We are honored to help birth parents and adoptive parents work together to create the best plan for each situation. Call us today to learn more: 303.761.7236

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Many of us dream of being parents one day.


We think about the perfect baby name, daydream about nursery décor, and imagine ourselves holding a cherished little one close.


Then infertility strikes. Our well thought out plans go by the wayside. Our dreams come to a screeching halt, and we wonder if we will ever know the joy of parenthood.


When faced with this struggle, many believe they must either give up their dream or turn to fertility treatments, which may still leave them without a child. There is another option for those longing to be parents: Adoption!


Growing your family through adoption can bring the gift of parenthood to many, and Colorado Christian Services is here to help! We’ve had the privilege of placing nearly 1,200 precious children in loving, adoptive homes in our more than 55 years of service to the community.


CCS works side by side with adoptive families to handle all aspects of adoption, from application to finalization. You do not have to give up your dreams of parenting due to infertility, and fertility treatments are not your only choice.


Learn how CCS can help you reach your parenting dreams through adoption:

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When a woman experiences an unplanned pregnancy, she often thinks there are two options: abortion or parenting. In truth, there is another option that can both protect the life of the child and provide another choice for the birth mother. That option is adoption!


Adoption allows the birth mother to make a thoughtful, specific plan for her child and herself. At Colorado Christian Services, our experienced, professional caseworkers work side by side with each birth mother to create a plan that works best for her.


The birth mother creates an adoption plan that includes a plan for delivery, as well as choosing just the right adoptive family. The choices are in the birth mother’s hands, and CCS provides an unbiased support system at no charge. With adoption, the life of the precious child is protected, and the birth mother is allowed the freedom to consider what is best for both herself and her child.


An unexpected pregnancy can leave a woman feeling scared and unsure of the future, but Colorado Christian Services is here to help. Call or text us 24/7 to find out more about how the adoption option could be a wonderful option for you: 303.246.1674.

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At Colorado Christian Services, we believe that children thrive in families and that no child should grow up without the benefit of a solid family. This is why we have been growing families for over 55 years.


Family members support our dreams, catch us when we fall, and encourage us to be our best. We believe the strength of family is one of our most valuable human assets, and we are committed to growing strong, healthy families.


Here’s how Colorado Christian Services supports healthy families:


  • We provide counseling and support for the birth mother as she creates an adoption plan that best serves both her and the child. Each birth mother has a personal caseworker who works closely with her each step of the way, guiding her through the full adoption journey. Services do not end when a child is placed, either! We continue to walk with the birth mother for as long as she needs support. A healthy birth mother is part of a healthy adoption relationship.


  • We assess, interview, and counsel adoptive families to make sure each family is thoroughly screened and fully equipped to provide a loving home. As adoptive families move through the adoption process, our professional staff walks alongside them to provide the comprehensive, thoughtful assistance they need. Once a child is placed in a home, we continue to provide care through post-placement services. A healthy adoptive family is part of a healthy adoption relationship.

Colorado Christian Services comes alongside women in unplanned pregnancies and Christian adoptive couples to build families through caring, experienced, and professional adoption planning services. We are honored to be part of helping find a healthy family for every child.

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At Colorado Christian Services, we have the blessed opportunity to share with you some of the amazing stories of how the Lord has allowed us to provide care to birth moms who are in the midst of extreme circumstances. Here are a couple of stories of how our birth parent caseworkers go the extra mile and minister in ways that last a lifetime.

Tonya wanted to place her baby girl in a home with adoptive parents outside of her indigenous tribe. This resulted in unusual challenges. Adoption agencies legally must contact tribes to obtain their permission to move forward with an adoption of a child of Native American heritage.


The tribe could mandate that the child be placed with a family on the reservation. If so, the birth mother doesn’t have the choice to place her child outside of the tribe. She would need to parent or place her child with a Native American family. Tonya was of Native American heritage, and her tribe was positioned to intervene, but she had already fallen in love with one of our waiting adoptive families.


Tonya’s baby was placed in cradle care while a resolution was sought. But the foster mother was noticing some special health issues with the baby. So Colorado Christian Services proactively got her the treatment she needed. The tribe was notified that the baby was likely going to be blind and possibly not walk for years.


The adoptive family Tonya had chosen then informed the agency that they had some Native American heritage and that they would love and accept the child with all her medical issues. We prayed that the Lord would protect this baby and allow Tonya’s adoption plan to go through. Colorado Christian Services contacted the tribal representative and they approved the placement.


But the miracle had only just begun. Nine months later, the medical issues that had been diagnosed through a multidisciplinary team at Children’s Hospital had resolved. The baby girl’s vision was restored, and she was already walking.

Bev knew she wasn’t able to care for her son, but her deepest desire was for him to be raised on a farm in the South. A birth mom making that specific of a request was new for us and let’s just say that we knew we had our work cut out for us. We had to let her know that we didn’t have such a family.



Meanwhile, the phone was ringing with parents hoping to adopt and signing up for our programming. And sure enough, in our next Adoptive Parent training seminar, there sat a precious family that lived in the South on a big farm, with lots of acreage.


And that’s the family Bev wanted. And now her sweet baby lives on a beautiful, big ranch with two loving parents. We are always awestruck by how God provides the exact family, for the exact right baby, making the perfect birth mom match.

So what makes my ministry as a caseworker at Colorado Christian Services so special? Sometimes I get a call in the middle of the night or over the weekend. She’s seen our ad and finally gets the courage to reach out to us. She’ll call or text and say, “I’m pregnant and I don’t know what to do.”



First, I make sure she’s in a safe place, that her medical needs are met, that she’s not hungry . . . I make sure her basic needs are met.


Then, I encourage her to set an appointment to meet with me. We talk through her options — what she feels is best for her baby, because at Colorado Christian Services she gets to make all the decisions. It’s our job to just walk alongside her as she is making the most difficult decisions she will ever have to make.


If parenting is her choice, we can help her build that infrastructure so she can be the best parent that she can be. We have great relationships with various community organizations that can help her be successful.


But if she’s thinking adoption is the best thing for her, then we talk about what she is hoping for in an adoptive family. Does she envision a big family? Does she want her child to be the first child in the family? It seems God always provides the right family.


I take time to see if she feels confident, comfortable, and ready to move forward. We then start the process of selecting an adoptive family by having her look through our materials featuring parents wanting to adopt. From there, we’ll let her meet the family so that she can get more connected and feel comfortable.


Of course, all along the way, we make sure she knows that she’s absolutely able to change her mind. We will support her no matter what her decision is. And, no matter what, we continue the counseling process with her along the way.


Then we talk about the plans for delivery . . . what would she like to have happen in the hospital? Would she like the family to be there? Would she like to have her mom there for support? She decides it all.


The birth mom decides whether the baby will bunk in with the adoptive family while in the hospital or stay with her so they can have alone time before discharge. We let her guide the process and we advocate for her, come alongside her and support her as she’s making all these decisions.


It’s really wonderful how close relationships develop between the birth mom and the adoptive family. We advocate for openness. It is very important for everyone involved. You can never have too many people loving the child, right?


One thing is for sure — you’ve got to love people in order to be successful in this job and you need to understand the big picture. We have an incredibly important role as caseworkers; a lot of responsibility falls on our shoulders. We must think on our feet and put into action the training and supervision we’ve had.


We show our love for Jesus by loving our birth moms.

We know, and are confident, that Colorado Christian Services provides a precious ministry to birth moms like Tonya and Bev and that you too believe our work fulfills such an important service. You may also already know that your support is what makes it possible for us to serve birth moms free of charge and continue our ministry.


We are encouraged by many of you who have asked how you can help. Simply stated, we desperately need to hire another caseworker. This will require $39,000 of funding that we don’t have.


Can we ask you to pray and consider a monthly gift to help us cover the costs for a new caseworker for the remainder of this difficult year? We trust and believe the Lord will provide, and we thank you for playing an important part in these life stories and those we’re being called into every day.

Published February 26, 2021

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