Author Colorado Christian Services

What do I do if I am facing an unplanned pregnancy? Where do I find help? Where do I even start?


There are so many decisions to make when you face an unplanned pregnancy, and your personal situation deserves personal attention. You are more than a number or a statistic. You are a unique individual with a unique journey, and this pregnancy is only one part of your story. At Colorado Christian Services, we see the whole of who you are.


Because we are a local adoption agency in the Denver, Colorado area, we provide personal attention and support. Your experienced caseworker gets to know you and your full story and comes alongside you to assist you in making the best decisions for you and your child. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to an unexpected pregnancy, and CCS is committed to providing free, unbiased support.


We stay with you for the full journey and assist with:

  • Creating a parenting plan if you decide to parent
  • Creating an adoption plan if you choose that route
  • Finding financial support
  • Gaining medical care
  • Securing transportation and housing

Trust your personal situation to those who provide personal attention. Colorado Christian Services is here to walk this journey with you. Call or text us any time 24/7: 303.246.1674.

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A happy young family with a toddler aged boy searches for a tree at the Christmas tree farm, the father with a saw in hand.  The family walks together holding hands, walking away from the camera.  Horizontal image with copy space.

Listen to Lindsay and Matt tell their full adoption story.


Our last names were alphabetically right next to each other and so were our lockers in middle school. We began dating the week before college started our freshman year and got married a couple years after we graduated.


Careers came first and then the decision to start a family. We suffered three miscarriages and yet another after IVF. Four miscarriages in two years. We were devastated.


We didn’t understand what God’s plan was for us. So, we took a break and after looking at our options, we decided to adopt. We Googled adoption online and found Colorado Christian Services.


On our first visit we saw the word “faith” on their office wall.


Throughout the years of miscarriages, the thing we had lost the most was our faith. So to see “faith” on the wall . . . it was like God telling us that we were in the right spot.


The training we received really prepared us, but the comment that has always stayed with us is that you can never have too many people that love your child.


It was almost November and we got the call that a birth mom was having her baby boy in two weeks and wanted us to be his parents.


The day our son was born, we walked into the room and his birth mom and her mother were in the room and said, “Meet your son.”


With Colorado Christian Services, it felt like God was holding our hand the whole way — protecting this child, protecting the birth mom and protecting us as adoptive parents. They are family.


He is ours forever and we are thankful.

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No, it’s not too late to choose adoption. With over 57 years of adoption experience, Colorado Christian Services has helped many birth mothers make adoption plans, even after bringing the baby home from the hospital.


An unplanned pregnancy brings so many unknowns. Maybe you considered adoption, but expected friends or family members to be able to help you. Perhaps the financial or emotional support you were counting on hasn’t happened, and you don’t feel able to give your child the needed care. Providing for a child’s financial, physical, and emotional needs while also caring for yourself is challenging when you try to do it alone.


If you are not confident that you have the resources to provide for all the baby’s needs, it’s not too late to consider adoption, whether you are still in the hospital or have left the hospital with the child. Colorado Christian Services provides free, confidential counseling to help you create an adoption plan that works best for you and your child. Talking through your situation with an experienced, licensed, and nonjudgmental caseworker allows you to look at all options with no pressure or obligation.


No matter how overwhelming your circumstances feel right now, you are not alone. If you are considering placing your child for adoption in Colorado, CCS is here to help. We answer our calls and texts right away, every day, so you can reach us anytime. Is it too hard to travel with the baby? Are you still in the hospital? We can come to you or connect through a phone call or zoom meeting.


You can call or text CCS any time, 24/7 at 303-246-1674

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We’re glad you asked! At Colorado Christian Services, we view each birth mother, each child, and each adoptive family as unique, precious individuals created by God for a specific purpose. No matter what your story, we are here to offer an unbiased support system and walk with you through this journey.


If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy in Colorado, we provide free and confidential counseling, parenting services, and adoption services with no judgment or pressure. We’ll support you through an unexpected pregnancy, help you consider all your options, and provide the emotional care and guidance you need for as long as you need it. If you decide to place your baby for adoption, we will help you connect with carefully screened, loving Christian adoptive families who are ready to welcome a child.


If you are a couple hoping to adopt in Colorado, Colorado Christian Services is here for you, too! We provide all the help you need, from educational seminars and family assessments to adoption counseling, post-placement supervision, and finalization. We also assist you in sharing your story effectively to reach birth mothers looking to connect with adoptive families. Need an agency to help you with a designated adoption or embryo adoption? We can provide those services, as well. We know God has a plan for your family, and we would be honored to be part of your adoption story.


With almost 60 years of adoption services, CCS has had the privilege of placing approximately 1,200 children into loving, adoptive homes. Our experienced, licensed caseworkers provide listening ears, excellent service, and Bible-based counseling because we know children thrive in families. We believe the strength of the family is one of the most valuable human assets, and we are dedicated to helping as many children as possible have the security of a solid family.

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They love each other and have been together long enough to have made a couple of big decisions. One of those decisions led to a pregnancy they hadn’t planned on.


As uncertain as their lives feel right now, they strongly believe in Christian family values…their values. And, that’s one big decision that is a nonnegotiable. They want their baby to grow up in a Christian home.


It’s also why having an abortion was never discussed or entertained. It wasn’t an option.


She knows and her boyfriend agrees, they just aren’t ready to be parents. At 22 they aren’t kids anymore, but they really don’t know what the future holds for them as a couple.


But the future of the baby needs to be certain and determined by September. Because that’s the due date.


Now they’ve had to make another big decision — what do they believe will provide the best future for their baby? And what they believe is the very thing that began the search for options.


So they Googled “Christian adoption Colorado.” And Colorado Christian Services was at the top of the list.


A stable, married couple of faith to raise this child — that’s our decision,” she said on the phone.


That’s exactly the kind of families we can introduce to courageous birth parents like these, who are confident in their faith.


And, confident in the difference of placing this child with a family who trusts God — the same God who already knew this big decision was coming and prepared the perfect answer.

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When couples or individuals find themselves dealing with infertility, they have several tough decisions to make along their journey. The first route many couples and individuals choose to take is to pursue fertility treatments. These treatments, though certainly successful for many, can be trying and difficult and may not work out for everyone. We’ve heard countless times how couples have pursued fertility treatments for months, even years and still found themselves without a child.


At this point, the couple or individual must take some time to evaluate their desire for a family. Do they want to be parents? Do they have the capacity, after months or years of treatments, to embark on a new journey? If the answer is yes, then there is one other option for them to pursue – adoption.


When couples or individuals reach this point, they begin to search around for adoption agencies or law firms in their area. They’ll start asking their friends or family for advice, googling topics such as “adoption agency Denver,” or reading books about the adoption journey. Once the couple or individual decides to pursue adoption and chooses an agency or law firm to work with, they often find a newfound hope. They’ve finally found a path towards their hearts’ most true desire… parenthood.

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Biracial woman caucasian man listen vacancy candidate sitting together at table at job interview. Diverse couple communicating with real estate agent, successful meeting ready to sign contract concept

When placing a baby for adoption, the one question almost all birth parents ask is, “How can I trust that the adoptive parents I choose are truly good people?” ​


Like all licensed adoption agencies in Colorado, Colorado Christian Services utilizes the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) instrument. SAFE is a structured home study methodology that allows child welfare agencies to effectively and systematically evaluate prospective families for foster and adoptive placement.” Unlike more traditional home studies which focus on self-reported autobiographies, SAFE uses research-based methodologies to create a more structured and accountable snapshot of hopeful adoptive parents. This method gives agencies a stronger grasp on whether or not the applicants are qualified/suited to adopt.


In addition to utilizing SAFE, CCS also meets with prospective adoptive families in a minimum of four interviews. During these sessions, a variety of topics are covered, ranging from family history to marital relationship,  from discipline techniques to home safety. We walk through the entire adoption process with our prospective adoptive families, ensuring that when the time comes, they are 100% ready and prepared to become adoptive parents.

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Adoptive parent profiles are crucial to the success of any adoption. It’s the first glimpse of your family that birth parents will get to see. So, it’s important that you put your best foot forward.


One of the keys to making a great adoption profile is authenticity. You will be building forever relationships with the birth family, so be yourselves! Include photos of you doing everyday activities like watering the flowers, reading a book, or feeding the chickens. These types of activities may seem trivial to you, but it helps the birth family genuinely understand who you are as a person or family. Often times, the most mundane things will be the ones that connect an expecting mother’s heart with yours.


When creating an adoption profile, you should also be mindful of what’s going on in the background of photos. Birth families quickly pick up on subtle details like body language, items on shelves, or signs in the background. Although these things might seem insignificant to us, they tell the reader so much about your family.


At Colorado Christian Services, we partner with Parentfinder for professional guidance and profile creation services. Their team of adoption professionals will guide you in creating an adoption profile that tells your family story in an elegant, authentic way.

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Every human grapples with the same question, “Who am I?” We also tend to wonder, “Where did I come from?” One of the keys to developing our individual identities is understanding our background, our history and why we are the way we are.


For non-adoptees, this curiosity usually manifests through an understanding of our family story or researching our lineage; how often do we get pulled into the mysteries of completing our family tree? But for adoptees, developing an identity can be much more challenging.


For many years, researchers and social workers believe that adoptees would benefit the most when told of their adoption between the ages of 4-13. However, the most recent research has shown quite the opposite. Instead, we’ve learned that children who were told of their adoption after the age of three experienced more emotional discomfort and overall lower satisfaction with life, compared to those who learned of their adoption earlier in life.


At CCS we often get the question, “How early should we tell our child that he is adopted?” Our response: “On the way home from the hospital.”


Adopted children should never be able to point to a time when they remember first learning they were adopted. Instead, their adoption story should be a natural, omnipresent fact in their life.

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When it comes to growing your family through adoption, it’s essential that everyone involved feel ready and confident to begin this new stage in life. One way in which adoption organizations help prepare parents for this journey is through training classes.


The State of Colorado requires that all prospective adoptive families participate in 16 hours of face-to-face CORE training. At Colorado Christian Services, we conduct our own training course which not only covers the State’s requirements but also gets into the nuts and bolts of our adoption program.


Adoptive families who graduate from our CORE training program leave more fully prepared for their adoption journey. They better understand the family assessment process, adoption profile creation and how to handle the waiting phase. They also learn about how connections with birth parents are made and how continued contact with birth parents after placement occurs.


We understand that a 16-hour training might feel daunting to some. However, once completed, our clients often feel more excited about the adoption process as a whole.

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