
Real-life accounts, valuable topics and noteworthy news


Real-life accounts, valuable topics and noteworthy news.

Every day presents a new story in the lives of the birthparents, children and adoptive families we serve through Colorado Christian Services. It’s because what we do is grow families and that’s always an amazing tale. And, we know you have really important questions that need thoughtful answers and resources — you’ll find them here on these pages.


Join the journey of those we’ve served and those needing an introduction to all the aspects of Adoption Planning. We will also regularly add a thoughtful article on the topics that inform and encourage you all. Welcome to our Stories.

My Love and Appreciation for the Sacrifice My Birth Mother Made Only Grew Stronger

I never really had the desire to search for my birth mother until my wife had our first child. While holding my newborn son in the hospital, the realization of [...]

Our Love and Dedication Helped Her Thrive

“The baby was born early and is in the NICU. It’s time for you come to Colorado.” The voice on the other line - my caseworker from CCS - was [...]

Celebrating God’s faithfulness to CCS through the years

This year marks our 60th anniversary and it is an occasion to be celebrated. Colorado Christian Services was founded by Walter and Marie Martin in 1963, members of the Englewood [...]

Because These Girls Gave God Their ‘Yes’

A single question was posed to Charlotte, Madison, Harper and Riley for their high school senior capstone project: How can you use your gifts to make the world a better [...]

My Dad Stepped into My Corner and Has Never Looked Back

The nurse could see the fear and shock in my eyes as she handed me brochures from local adoption agencies. I was twenty years old and had just found out [...]

A Mother’s Love: A Story Unfolds

The doctor told me I could not have children. We had always planned to adopt, but we decided to go ahead and adopt first and then hopefully have children, which eventually we did. And then somebody told us about Colorado Christian Services. It was the answer for us.

We decided adoption was the best for our family

Both of us were working long hours and paying for day care for our kids and barely making ends meet financially and emotionally. There was no way we could provide for a fifth child and abortion was never an option.

We couldn’t provide for a fifth child — An Adoption Story

Both of us were working long hours and paying for day care for our kids and barely making ends meet financially and emotionally. There was no way we could provide for a fifth child and abortion was never an option.

Adoption is difficult but incredibly beautiful.

Adopting a child requires a lot of preparation.   That’s why CCS offers the adoptive parent Seminar, a mix of therapeutic, educational and legal information that helps couples understand and [...]

Home for the Holidays

When you think of  “home,” what comes to mind?   For some, home means support and unconditional love – a safe place of comfort. For others, however, home may not [...]

Three Generations – An Adoption Story

The doctor told me I could not have children. We had always planned to adopt, but we decided to go ahead and adopt first and then hopefully have children, which eventually we did. And then somebody told us about Colorado Christian Services. It was the answer for us.

What is Gotcha Day?

Gotcha Day – Adoption Day – Family Day: Whatever you choose to call it, the day a child becomes part of his or her forever family is precious and momentous. [...]


Here at Colorado Christian Services, we are thankful for so much!   We are thankful for the birth mothers who trust us to help them as they make the best [...]

November is National Adoption Month!

Adoption is an answer to prayer for many, such as: The birthparents unable to care for their child but desperately wanting a loving home for the baby, A couple struggling [...]

How do birth mothers feel about giving their babies up for adoption?

Before making an adoption plan, many birth mothers worry about how giving up their babies will feel.   However, those who have chosen adoption find they do not actually have [...]

Call Waiting

We had pretty much exhausted our possibilities of having biological children. We started looking into adoption and the more we found out about it, the more we were interested in it. We eventually came to Colorado Christian Services to seek their help and support. And it’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to our family.

I’m pregnant and don’t know what to do. Where do I even start planning for an unplanned pregnancy?

An unplanned pregnancy is just that – unplanned. Dealing with the details can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone.   Colorado Christian Services has experienced, licensed [...]

Birth moms are heroes!

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and worried about being judged? Have you considered adoption but wonder if the adoptive parents will think badly of you because you aren’t able [...]

Updates for birth family

Do you share information updates with your child’s birth family?  Have you considered allowing your child to be a part of that process?   We encourage you to allow your [...]

What is the difference between open adoption, semi-open adoption, and closed adoption?

At Colorado Christian Services, we know adoption can be confusing, especially during an unplanned pregnancy.   We are here to help you sort out the details so you can make [...]

If I give my baby up for adoption, how do I know who will adopt my child?

Even if you are not able to parent your child, you do not give up all choices regarding this precious one.   Instead, we will work with you to create [...]

There are so many national adoption agencies. Why should I choose a local Denver area adoption agency?

Whether you are a woman facing an unexpected pregnancy or a family hoping to adopt, your circumstances matter!   Each person is unique, each journey is different, and each life [...]

Ups and Downs

There is an element of vulnerability once a match is formed.   The adoptive parents open themselves up to the expectant mother in hopes that she makes an adoption plan. [...]

Hoping to Adopt? Colorado Christian Services is here for you!

Are you struggling with infertility?  Are you longing to be parents?   Colorado Christian Services has been growing families for over 55 years, and we are here to provide hope [...]

I’m considering placing my baby for adoption. Do I need an adoption plan? What is an adoption plan?

When an unplanned pregnancy occurs, you may feel confused and overwhelmed. The good news is you do not have to go through this pregnancy alone. Colorado Christian Services is here [...]

Questions about your adoption? We can help you find answers.

Questions about your adoption? We can help you find answers.   Colorado Christian Services has been growing families through adoption for over 55 years. During that time, we’ve assisted with [...]

What Defines a Christian Adoption Agency

Tammy and Jason had been married for five years and discovered they were unable to have children. Several years of different infertility treatments were all unsuccessful. Ultimately, they felt adoption [...]

Can adopted siblings share the same bond as biological siblings?

Can adopted siblings share the same bond as biological siblings?   With over 55 years of growing families through adoption, Colorado Christian Services has been able to observe the interactions [...]

Rosa’s Story — I gave my babies a better chance.

Listen to Rosa tell her full adoption story. It was through rape that I conceived my daughter. I was also in rehab for my addiction, and it was there that adoption was suggested and I was introduced to Colorado Christian Services.

The Benefits of Open Adoption

Over the years, adoptions have become more open, and the benefits to all involved are well documented.   The level of openness is unique to each adoptive placement. Most birth [...]

The Adoption Option for Those Longing to Be Parents

Many of us dream of being parents one day.   We think about the perfect baby name, daydream about nursery décor, and imagine ourselves holding a cherished little one close. [...]

The Adoption Option for Birth Mothers

When a woman experiences an unplanned pregnancy, she often thinks there are two options: abortion or parenting. In truth, there is another option that can both protect the life of [...]

A Family for Every Child

At Colorado Christian Services, we believe that children thrive in families and that no child should grow up without the benefit of a solid family. This is why we have [...]

Urgent Need for a Caseworker to Serve Birth Moms

At Colorado Christian Services, we have the blessed opportunity to share with you some of the amazing stories of how the Lord has allowed us to provide care to birth [...]

What is transracial adoption?

Transracial adoption refers to placing a child who is of one race or ethnic group with adoptive parents of another race or ethnic group. Transracial adoption is a beautiful picture of what [...]

How do I deal with an unexpected pregnancy?

What do I do if I am facing an unplanned pregnancy? Where do I find help? Where do I even start?   There are so many decisions to make when [...]

He is ours forever and we are thankful.

Listen to Lindsay and Matt tell their full adoption story. Our last names were alphabetically right next to each other and so were our lockers in middle school. [...]

I brought my baby home from the hospital, but now I’m thinking of giving the baby up for adoption. Is it too late?

No, it’s not too late to choose adoption. With over 57 years of adoption experience, Colorado Christian Services has helped many birth mothers make adoption plans, even after bringing the [...]

There are lots of adoption agencies in Colorado. What makes Colorado Christian Services special?

We’re glad you asked! At Colorado Christian Services, we view each birth mother, each child, and each adoptive family as unique, precious individuals created by God for a specific purpose. [...]

A time for big decisions.

They love each other and have been together long enough to have made a couple of big decisions. One of those decisions led to a pregnancy they hadn’t planned on. [...]

The Decision to Adopt

When couples or individuals find themselves dealing with infertility, they have several tough decisions to make along their journey. The first route many couples and individuals choose to take is [...]

Family Assessment

When placing a baby for adoption, the one question almost all birth parents ask is, “How can I trust that the adoptive parents I choose are truly good people?” ​ [...]

Adoptive Parent Profiles

Adoptive parent profiles are crucial to the success of any adoption. It's the first glimpse of your family that birth parents will get to see. So, it's important that you [...]

How early should we tell our child that he is adopted?

Every human grapples with the same question, "Who am I?" We also tend to wonder, "Where did I come from?" One of the keys to developing our individual identities is [...]

Growing Your Family Through Adoption

When it comes to growing your family through adoption, it’s essential that everyone involved feel ready and confident to begin this new stage in life. One way in which adoption [...]